Thursday, September 2, 2010

True Blood. Season 1.

I've abandoned my book. It's awful. I can't say that I'm upset about it though. I have had an enlightening past 36 hours. I'm the girl who doesn't watch much TV. I just don't like it. I watch movies, or read, if given a choice. The only shows I follow faithfully are White Collar and Dexter. I follow those because for one Neil is my boyfriend (he makes my world a better place by gracing my TV on Tuesday nights), and for two I have a soft spot for fictional sociopathic serial killers with a dry sense of humor. Sue me. I've avoided reading the Sookie Stackhouse series, and I've avoided watching True Blood. I picked up the first of the books and completed the first season in its entirety. I've been missing out. I don't like the books, let me just get that off of my chest. Rarely, very very rarely, do I find a movie/TV show that I like better than the book(s) upon which it is based. Sookie happens to be one of them. I can't get into the books; maybe that is because I started watching the show first. Who can say? While I love Dexter on Showtime, I love the books a whole helluva lot more. I'm gonna stick with the show on Sookie, even though I feel like a sell-out to my true love of literature; True Blood has forced me to admit an addiction to soft-core vampire porn. Embarrassing, yes. Bad? Yes, but it's so bad that you want more and more. I have just a few questions...

1: Why is Bill's hair It looks like Katie Holmes' haircut on a man. The bob with bangs didn't even look good on Katie, let alone a guy. He has bangs for shit's sake! Bangs! I can bypass Rene being a killer, because let's face it...Rene was SEXY all caps, but bangs? No. I'm sorry Mr. Vampire Bill. I can't bypass bangs.
Bill's bad bangs.
Sexy Rene.

2: Why doesn't someone just kill that annoying Jessica bitch already? She's grating on my fucking nerves and she's on the screen for all of 10 minutes.

3: Am I the only one who is in love with Sam? Sookie, Sookie. What is wrong with you girl? He's perfect. Who cares if he barks in his sleep? You could do a lot worse. Oh wait. You like the guy with bangs.
Sir Barks-A-Lot.

Even though I'm confused about Bill's hair and Sookie's stupidity, there are plenty of reasons to keep watching. Their names are: Sam, Lafayette, and Jason's body. I love Sam. I love Lafayette. And I loved Rene. I'll take sexy Cajun accent Rene any day. Hell, I'll take Lafayette too. Sam doesn't have to worry about loaning me money for an exorcism. No sir. He wouldn't have to pay me a dime. Oh and Eggs. Eggs was on the screen for 2 minutes; Mr. Sexy-Playing-the-Acoustic-Guitar was enough to make me forget about Bill's bad haircut. I suppose that even though Jason is testicularly retarded he's a good chunk of man-candy too.
Mr. Incredible-Edible Eggs.
Testicularly Retarded Hot Body Brother.

Now my apologies. This is a book blog. I realize this entry isn't about books. Shut up people. I'm going through withdrawals. True Blood has consumed my life for the past day and a half. Season two will be here tomorrow. I'll resurface on Sunday.


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